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Shutting Down?

My wife and I talk a lot about liking the idea of something, versus actually liking the reality what that idea actually is/entails.  Example – I really like the idea of blogging.  In reality though, it’s way down on my priority list of things to do.  And blogging is about to fall a whole lot lower on the list.  In two very short months, I’m going to have a teenage daughter and a ten year old son.  Yup, we’ve been “selected” for this adoption!

I haven’t really been spending much time on this blog lately anyway.  Nor have I been spending much time training, which was the original impetus for this blog in the first place.  I have a triathlon in two weeks (my second ever), and I finally put on a pair of swimming goggles last night for the first time in seven months.  That swim lasted five whole minutes.  Luckily it’s going to be a wetsuit swim, so at least I shouldn’t drown.  Assuming I can get my wetsuit on, that is.  The wetsuit was tight when I bought it – tack on some extra “winter” weight, and I thought I broke the zipper when I had my wife help me try to stuff myself into it last night.

Anyway, so I’ll probably blog a recap from that race, but there’s a chance that will be the last post on here.  I don’t know everything that comes along with fatherhood, but I’m pretty sure that it won’t come with a supply of extra hours in each day.


  1. Jason says:

    Congrats! Very exciting news!

  2. piratebobcat says:

    Exciting about the new kiddos! Feel free to contact me via email, twitter, etc. to keep in touch. Hope to see you at a social run, trail run, etc. Just holla!

    • Thanks! I’ve long since thought that I should come out to one of the TNSR – the Shops at Legacy are only a couple of miles from our place, so I don’t really have any good excuse. I’ll let you know if I ever actually plan on making it to one.

      • piratebobcat says:

        Let me know if you do! I used to go every week, but now I run more in the mornings. I still go sometimes though, it’s good for the social aspect. Plus lots of good runners!

  3. Congratulations on the selection! That is amazing news for your family!
    Good luck in the tri; hope to read it was another great success!
    And I can’t imagine parenting leaves much time for extras like blogging either 🙂

    • Thank you! I know that there are plenty of parents who work full-time and blog, but I’m keeping my free time expectations low, especially since I’ve got a huge learning curve ahead of me. Nothing like going straight into the deep end with grown kids!

  4. Melissa says:

    Best of luck to you!

  5. Awesome!!! Congrats on the adoption!!
    You will be fine in the your swim!! Make sure you are breathing…you aren’t going to drown…you will do great!!

  6. erin says:

    That is wonderful news… congrats on the selection!

    And, best of luck on your second triathlon! Remember to have fun and smile; you’ll do great!

  7. Laura says:

    First, congrats! And I totally understand when blogging takes a back seat – but I will miss your training info, thoughts and updates!

    • Thank you. There hasn’t been much training to write about lately anyway, and I haven’t really been updating, so it won’t be that big of a change! I may post once in long while, but I’m going to keep my expectations and internal pressure to blog to an absolute minimum.

  8. Congratulations to you! I’ll miss your posts, but totally get it. Best wishes to you and your family!

  9. tlsylvan says:

    Congrats on the upcoming adoption! I’ll miss your updates on the blog, but would still love to run or grab a coffee with you if you ever have a spare 30 minutes in BHM!

  10. Best wishes, new father!

  11. runsaltrun says:

    Congrats and best wishes to you and your family! That is such exciting news! I’ll miss reading your posts for sure. You were one of the first blogs I read regularly when I started mine up! I totally understand though. Parenting definitely does not come with extra hours in the day. 🙂

    • Thank you! I was actually in BWI when you commented. Although I’m sure it was a great day weather-wise, I was freezing and was thinking about how I’d be a terrible runner in MD. My off-season would probably last 6 months!

  12. Natalie says:

    I’m late to read this but congrats on the adoption! I’m so excited for you! I hope you return to blogging in the future so we can hear about your training and your growing family! You’ll do great at your tri this month. Good luck!

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