Questionably Texan

Home » 100 Mile Ultramarathon

100 Mile Ultramarathon

In 2011, I ran my first 100 mile ultramarathon, the Lost Soul Ultra in Lethbridge, AB, Canada.  My finish wasn’t glamorous, but I made it across the line.

February, 2014, I attempted another 100 mile ultramarathon, Rocky Raccoon in Huntsville, TX.  Unfortunately, my ego and arrogance got the best of me, and I DNF’d at mile 63.

I’d like to think I’ll tackle 100 miles again at some point, but it will likely be a few (or many) years before I try again.  Life right now just isn’t conducive to putting in the amount of miles that I’d need to run in order to be adequately trained.

For now, I’ll be content with knowing that I was able to finish “the toughest race on the prairies” back in 2011.

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Questionably Texan:

I'm not exactly sure what happened, but somehow I've managed to end up living in Dallas, Texas. I don't fit any of the typical Texan stereotypes - I'm vegan, I bike to work, and I run ultramarathons. But I do have a Texas drivers license, so that makes me Texan now, eh?