Questionably Texan

Home » The Family

The Family


Natasha and I are in the midst of adopting an older sibling group from the foster care system.  I know that it’s not the traditional way of having a family, but since before we were married (12 years ago) we discussed adopting kids rather than having biological children.  When we made the decision that we were ready to bring kids into our family, adoption was our first choice (I then took the necessary step to ensure that adoption was going to be our only choice, and that we wouldn’t end up with any ‘surprises’ of our own later on).

I may update this page in the future with more information about the adoption process, but for now I’ll just leave it with a couple photos of the “other” members of our family, the dogs.


The senior dog (going on 15 years old).  Extremely mellow and easy going.



The people dog.  She always wants to be close.  Real close.  Sometimes too close.

Green Bean:
(also known as GB, or Schnitzel)
The crazy dog.  He’s got way too much energy for his own good.

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Questionably Texan:

I'm not exactly sure what happened, but somehow I've managed to end up living in Dallas, Texas. I don't fit any of the typical Texan stereotypes - I'm vegan, I bike to work, and I run ultramarathons. But I do have a Texas drivers license, so that makes me Texan now, eh?