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Twelve Years Ago

Twelve years ago, I married the love of my life.  We were both very young, but we were in love.  Natasha had the wonderful idea of taking a photo every year on our anniversary, and writing a little something about what we did the past year.  Our album is slowly growing, but there are still plenty of empty pages yet to be filled.

(pardon the glare on the photos – I took most pictures of the pictures in the album)

Wedding Day - Kansas City, MO

Wedding Day – Kansas City, MO

1st Anniversary (East Texas) - Three days after returning from two months in Nicaragua

1st Anniversary (East Texas)

2nd Anniversary (Fort Collins, CO)

2nd Anniversary (Fort Collins, CO)

3rd Anniversary (Loveland, CO)

3rd Anniversary (Loveland, CO)

4th Anniversary (Weston, MO)

4th Anniversary (Weston, MO)

5th Anniversary (Kansas City, MO)

5th Anniversary (Kansas City, MO)

6th Anniversary (Kansas CIty, MO)

6th Anniversary (Kansas CIty, MO)

7th Anniversary (Kansas CIty, MO)

7th Anniversary (Kansas CIty, MO)

8th Anniversary (Kansas CIty, MO)

8th Anniversary (Kansas CIty, MO)

9th Anniversary (Kansas City, MO)

9th Anniversary (Kansas City, MO)

10th Anniversary (Dallas, TX Metro Area)

10th Anniversary (just moved into the new house – Dallas, TX Area)


11th anniversary, our living room no longer filled with boxes

Today, we will once again set up the tripod in the living room, and snap another family photo (ok, so it usually takes us about 20 tries to get the dogs in the photo).  Then we’ll sit down, and write a little bit about what we’ve done the past year.  It’s always funny for me to look back and see how much we’ve changed (and changed our minds!) over the years.  But, we’ve always changed together, and that’s the most important thing.  I’m looking forward to many, many more anniversary photos with the most wonderful, supportive, intelligent, and beautiful woman in the world.


  1. Running Girl says:

    Happy anniversary to you guys!! Perhaps you can write about this crazy weather.

  2. Indi says:

    Happy Anniversary!!! Cheers to so many many more!

  3. Laura says:

    Happy anniversary! Congratulations and here is to many more anniversariesM

  4. Jane Likes to Run says:

    What a great idea. Congrats and happy anniversary. Enjoy your day together!

  5. Congratulations. I love the photos and song to mark each year that passes.

  6. runsaltrun says:

    What a wonderful idea. You guys are such a great couple! And our anniversaries are right around the same time! It’s a great time of year to get married. 🙂

  7. runsaltrun says:


  8. Wow- happy anniversary! Love that you guys take a family photo and then write about the year. That is such a great tradition! You sure did live a lot of places in the beginning. Favourite place?
    I had grand ideas to do a scrapbook page for each year with a photo, trips we took, and a few stats like gas prices, our fave song of that year, etc, but I haven’t yet.
    Maybe our sixth anniversary will be when we start what you guys do!
    Here’s to many more!

  9. msmidt says:

    Great idea and great photos.

  10. says:

    Happy Anniversary!!

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